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Nathan’s CSE 15L Lab Reports

Welcome to my lab report’s page for CSE 15L! Below are the lab reports I created based off of the labs I completed in the CSE 15L course. Each lab report is linked to its own page and is attached with a summary of what the report covers. The lab reports cover the process of connecting to a remote connection and making that process easier, practicing debugging code, and running tests on multiple implementations using different methods.

CSE 15L Lab Reports

Lab Report 1

Using Remote Access

Published January 14, 2022

Link to Lab Report 1: https://nathansng.github.io/cse15l-lab-reports/lab-report-1-week-2.html

The first lab report goes through the steps to set up and use a remote connection to run Java files. It includes the steps I took to set up my course specific server account and how to use the login to access the remote connection. I also go through several common commands to use on the command line to manipulate files and directories on the remote server. After copying over different files from my local device to the server, I also come up with time efficient ways to copy over a Java file, compile, and run the file on the server.

Lab Report 2

Debugging Code

Published January 28, 2022

Link to Lab Report 2: https://nathansng.github.io/cse15l-lab-reports/lab-report-2-week-4.html

In the second lab report, I go through the debugging process of finding and fixing errors in a piece of code given failed input tests. The report includes the steps I took to find the symptoms based on failure inducing input, as well as searching and fixing the bug causing the symptom in the code. There are three different examples of unexpected or failing outputs based on different failure inducing inputs. I use the markdown-parse project as the code to debug and practice running JUnit tests on the function defined in the repository.

Lab Report 3

Streamlining ssh Configuration

Published February 11, 2022

Link to Lab Report 3: https://nathansng.github.io/cse15l-lab-reports/lab-report-3-week-6.html

For the third lab report, I go over the steps of streamlining the ssh process or whenever you login to an external server. It includes the steps you need to take to set up this shortcut and the things you can do with a streamlined ssh configuration.

Lab Report 4

Testing Different Implementations of MarkdownParse

Published February 25, 2022

Link to Lab Report 4: https://nathansng.github.io/cse15l-lab-reports/lab-report-4-week-8.html

The fourth lab report compares my implementation of MarkdownParse with another user’s implementation. MarkdownParse is meant to extract the links within markdown files and return a list of valid links. I compare the results of the two implementations against the expected results and explain how the program could be fixed to account for that specific test case.

Lab Report 5

Comparing Implementations and Outputs of MarkdownParse

Published March 11, 2022

Link to Lab Report 5: https://nathansng.github.io/cse15l-lab-reports/lab-report-5-week-10.html

Lab report 5 is the last lab report of this series. In this lab report, I compare two different implementations of MarkdownParse again and their output on several hundred tests. Instead of using individual JUnit tests like the previous report, I use terminal commands to identify the differences in output and compare the two outputs with the expected results.

Check out my GitHub page! https://github.com/nathansng
